Our Services
Our services include property management, legal assistance, reviews and CSOS submissions.
Our key services include:
Billing and distribution of owner levy invoices and statements by email or by hand if necessary
Collection and credit control of monthly levies
Monitoring and billing of utility accounts
Collation of financial data for management reports available on a monthly basis.
Management and payment of approved expenses including staff, security and municipal accounts
Sourcing, management and payment of contractors – acquiring quotes and securing the necessary invoice approval
Attendance at trustee/ director’s meetings and the preparation and distribution of associated agendas and minutes
Organisation and attendance of Annual & Special General Meetings
Preparation of annual budgets
Issue of levy clearance certificates
Quick response and turnaround times
Dedicated bank accounts per complex/scheme with viewing rights for Trustees/Directors
Maintenance & Assistance
Advising Trustees on the maintenance of the common property as requested.
Assisting Trustees with negotiations regarding 3rd parties contractors.
Review & Submission
Periodic review of the estimate of income and expenditure against the actual income and expenditure.
Arrange the body corporates annual audit review with the auditor and once completed submit the statements to owners.
Prepare and submit the body corporates annual income tax return.
All SARS related queries regarding the body corporate.
Assist body corporate with the registration under CSOS following their regulations.